

中秋節過完之後,我和先生在家把要去旅行的行程很突然地決定下來,應該是10月下旬可以成行了。之前我們討論了很長一段時間,想了很多很多種方案,原本還想直接衝環球票的:P,最後還是因為季節和時間安排上的問題,所以打算....以後吧! 還有機會的。

這次就打算全程搭廉價航空旅行,昨晚就開始訂票,不過我接近半夜12點才開始訂票,頭昏欲睡的情況下,訂了2家航空公司共六段票,隔天(也就是今早)繼續訂其他段票的時候,仔細一瞧才發現,第一張票就給它買錯啦!!不用老公唸~我自己都覺得自己有夠阿呆 T_T

昨晚想沒清楚,錯估了Gatwick airport和Stansted airport這2個機場間的距離,想說班機隔了將近4小時應該夠吧! 然後在別人網站看到這張圖,覺得好像接駁很快~應該不會很久....

今天用google map仔細一瞧,才發現機場間距離是超遠的...光車程就接近2.5~3小時! 唉唉唉~~怎麼算都覺得太冒險,時間不夠。雖然可以修改航班,可是費用將近要NTD1800/per person,比重新買機票還貴咧。

在網路上搜尋有沒有人曾經買Ryanair退票或是因為no show被罰款之類的問題,不過似乎都找不到清楚確認的資料....後來在FAQ裡看到(黃色字那段),果然是不能退票~~而且改什麼資料都貴!所以說,還是要謹慎看清楚再買才對呀,我昨晚就是不知道在想什麼,可能是累了,迷迷糊糊居然地圖都沒查看就把票買下去了...@_@


Can I cancel my reservation before travel and do I need to notify Ryanair if I am not travelling?
All Ryanair flights are fully changeable but cannot be cancelled. Passengers are therefore not required to notify us if they are unable to travel on their booked flights. Passengers who do not use their outbound flight may use their return flight. 

Ryanair flight dates/times/routes can be changed up to 4 hours before the flight departure time via the Manage My Booking section of the website.  Name changes may be made up to 4 hours before to the outbound flight.  In all cases please note that no changes can be made once a passenger has checked in online.

If you do not use your booked flight the air fare, fees and charges are non-refundable but you may apply in writing within one month of the date of original travel for the refund of any government taxes paid.  Such refunds are subject to an administration fee of £17/€20 (or equivalent) per person.  If the refund amount is less than the applicable administration fee, no refund will be made.-----內容出自www.ryanair.com/en

來回機票加上刷卡手續費是£40 ,大約台幣1975元/2人份
所以說...一趟不到台幣500元,很便宜吧!  不愧是廉價機票

變成 London-->Dublin 單程£37.98 ,大約台幣1876元/2人份 ...比之前買的票價貴
因為這天買不到超低價又免費online check in 的票了T_T

原本花£57.98可以解決來回機票,我花了£77.98,可惜了£20 ....一毛都不想浪費的說^^"

我現在很清楚Gatwick airport到Stansted airport大概怎麼去,相距有多遠了!


